6AM: Get out of bed
The sun has already glittered the canyons
TV anchorman: “It will be another hot day”
Make my own rainbow through the window crack
With the shower stream
Don’t know why I bother putting on lipstick
The coffee will wash it out anyway
“Good day Mom. Good day Dad”
Turn off the night light by their mantel.
Birds fly away as the backyard door is opened.
Water dripping down from the white flowers
Need another hose to replace this old pinched one.
“Don’t forget your pills,” “Have your water with you?”…”Yes,” and “Yes.”
Lock the door. Close the garage.
“Hello.” “Where are you now?”
“Taking the canyon road today.”
“Ah…see my friends by the barn?”
“And keep your eyes on the road while talking to me, I hope.”
“What time is your appointment?”
“See you at home then.”
7:07AM: Parking lot
P.’s bike, R.’s old Chevy
Hope P’s son gets into college
Hope the Chevy won’t die later
M. walking slowly with her lunch bag to the lunch room’s fridge
The Coke machine startles me
Hallway, dimly lit cubicles
Paper stacking up on desk, on chair
Seven more procedures to fix
I hate Word. For someone who writes for living, still does not know Word well.
At least only one meeting today.
Twenty four emails to reply.
Voice mail reminds me of a mammogram on Saturday.
12:00PM: “J., do you have lunch for me or should I pick up something?”
“Plenty of left overs and even a key lime pie”
“Oh good! See you in a few.”
Still imagine my mom opening the door of the old home…
Snack for the cat.
Run the stairs with J.
“Is your appointment today or tomorrow?”
“Do you want to walk after work with me?”
“I love you. See you then.”
1:00PM: Do not know if I can last another four hours of writing.
Maybe I should switch gear to help S. with his workload.
Y. showing off new baby pictures.
L. again crying about old boyfriend.
Comforting C. with chemo ahead
A. talking about God.
3:00PM: Good god, fire drill!!!
Why on earth we have to get out in the sun with the 90 degree heat?
In 5 minutes, we’ll be on fire for real.
T. asked: “Do you want to walk later?” “No, it’s too hot.”
5:00PM: Meeting goes way too long today. Air conditioner getting tired.
I’m tired. Time to go home.
“See you tomorrow” paper, computer, plants, cubicles, Y., L., C., A.
Call J., “It’s too hot. We’ll walk tomorrow instead.” “Okay, ma. I love you.”
Fine blue haze hanging low on the mountains
Wind, volatile brush, dead grasses, dried leaves, wild fires.
Stop by the grocery to pick up some ice cream. The thought cools me down.
6:00PM: Kitchen is a cool dark place.
Getting out two old bowls for some left over soup.
“Do you want to go for a ride after dinner?”
“No, it’s too hot.”
There are dishes to wash
Kitchen floor could use some mopping
Laundry waiting in the dryer to be put away.
More water for the garden would be good.
Quiet backyard.
Evening blues at moments, delicate as heartbreak healing, but persistent
Turtle doves lingering in the pine trees
9PM: Still lights flickering back East at midnight
on NASA’s earth virtual map
Lonely people behind computers, perhaps?
Turn on some Pandora music
Bruce singing:
“At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet
And a freight train running through the middle of my head
Only you can cool my desire
I’m on fire”
11PM: Wishing for a sweet cold dream
Of a night showered in storm
To crack the sizzling heat
Or the a chill when I wake up
Under a thin sheet at midnight
Clambering out of dreams to find a quilt or blanket
That first lovely sign of fall
Or the dream of holding her hand again
12AM: Turning off the TV
News always too depressing
Set the alarm for 6AM